We are all dust

A blog of my delusional, random thoughts.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Secret Terrorist Messages!

Ok, so I have been getting these SPAM emails for some time now that make no imaginable sense at all.

Emails with titles like "blouse", and bodies like this:

What's your pleasure, squire?

old meet u 11 pm face done by ....

Best regards,

And coming from an email like this 0881888fnqn@movicom.com.ar...

Now I am a skeptical kind of guy, so I am not going to start packing my bags, and run for the hills just yet, but I have my suspicions.

I get loads of these kinds of emails all the time. They have no point, they have no meaning and they are a complete waste of my inbox space.

I wouldn't jump to any odd conclusions like this if those emails contained a link to a Viagra or porn site, but they do not.

I might even have chalked it up as a dumb prank if it didn't happen so often.

I have Googled some of the subjects and content, and have seen that there are many people who apparently received these strange, meaningless emails and have no idea what they are!

So with the frequency of these emails, and the continued lack of relevance to anything, not to mention the SPAM like delivery system, I have come to the conclusion that these emails are actually coded terrorist messages!

It is really quite brilliant if you think about it. Send thousands, or even millions of these apparently incoherent emails to random people, making sure that your recipient email is included in your SPAM list. Most people just stare at it with a blank face, then trash it. Many will probably respond to it saying WTF are you tailing about?! But the recipient of your secret coded terrorist message can read his message with peace of mind that government spies are not going to bang down the doors of millions of people to find out who this message was really for!

Could I be wrong? Probably... Then again, I can't see any other useful purpose for sending these completely worthless SPAM emails.


At 8:29 AM, Blogger The said...

We are just blowing in the wind.

And no. I can't make a comment with the word "Blowing" over at alliance, but this blog....Like anyone reads this (in HR) ...


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